Office of Highway Safety

The Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety (VIOHS) was created in 1974 and is the agency responsible for developing and implementing strategies to reduce traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

​The mission of the VIOHS is to reduce fatalities, injuries and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes through the administration of the Virgin Islands Highway Safety Plan.

​The Highway Safety Plan (HSP) is a coordinated program of strategies addressing the serious societal problems of property damage, injuries and fatalities resulting from crashes. It identifies programs and projects that have been designated to mitigate the traffic crash problem. Each year the VIOHS prepares an HSP that describes the projects recommended for funding for the federal fiscal year.

​Funding for the recommended projects is awarded to the VIOHS from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Funds are provided to implement programs that meet the national objective. These programs are Emergency Medical Services, Alcohol Impaired Driving Prevention Program, Occupant Protection Program, Police Traffic Services, Highway Engineering, Bicycle Safety, Pedestrian Safety, School Bus Safety and Youth Alcohol Program.

​The VIOHS also administers the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). Funding for this program is awarded to the VIOHS from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The purpose of MCSAP is to improve commercial motor vehicle safety and promote uniformity in compliance and enforcement. The Virgin Islands Police Department is the sub-grantee of these funds and is responsible for safety inspections and hazardous materials transportation compliance.